Stuxnet Worm Hits Iran Nuclear Plant Staff Computers -- BBC
A complex computer worm has infected the personal computers of staff at Iran's first nuclear power station, the official IRNA news agency reported.
However, the operating system at the Bushehr plant - due to go online in a few weeks - has not been harmed, project manager Mahmoud Jafari said.
The Stuxnet worm is capable of seizing control of industrial plants.
Some Western experts say its complexity suggests it could only have been created by a "nation state".
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More News On The Cyber Attack Against Iran
Worm hits computers of staff at Iran nuclear plant -- AP
Iran: Computer Malware Attacked, Failed to Harm Nuclear Plant -- Voice of America
Iran Says Nuclear Plant Unaffected by Virus as Industrial Computers Struck -- Bloomberg
Iran denies nuclear plant computers hit by worm -- AFP
Computer worm infects Iran's nuclear station -- The Telegraph
Iran Acknowledges Stuxnet Worm Infection -- The Atlantic
Stuxnet worm is the 'work of a national government agency' -- The Guardian
Computer attacks linked to wealthy group or nation -- AP
Who's Behind Stuxnet? The Americans? The Israelis? -- PC Mag
Stuxnet worm mystery: What's the cyber weapon after? -- Christian Science Monitor
Factbox: What is Stuxnet? -- Reuters