The End of U.S. Maritime Dominance? Not So Fast Argues Naval Strategist -- Defense Tech
In a new research paper I came across, Geoffrey Till, a top-notch historian and naval strategist, looks at the notion that this is shaping up to be China’s century, not America’s, and that the maritime decline of the U.S. is a foregone conclusion. He contends that predicting the rise and fall of great power maritime dominance is a bit trickier and harder to measure than many claim.
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Previous Post: China Now Has More Warships Than The U.S.: IISS Report
My Comment: China definitely has a long way to go before they are a match to U.S. naval power. But as shrinking budgets and the future of joint naval ops become a matter of debate for many in the Pentagon and Congress, the trends are obvious .... the Chinese are not building a fleet to match ours, we are downsizing our fleet to meet theirs.