Looted Treasures Back In Iraq, But Don't Plan On Seeing Them -- McClatchy News
BAGHDAD — Gold earrings made for an Assyrian queen, a sacred 4,000-year-old statue and 540 other looted pieces of Iraq's ancient history went on display in Iraq on Tuesday in what was billed as a triumph of justice and international cooperation.
"This is a very happy day -- we are making progress in the very important field of returning Iraqi history to its rightful home," said Iraq's ambassador to Washington, Samir Sumaidaie, who said the objects had been found through a combination of Iraqi and American efforts. "Iraq cannot be summarized by 30 years of problems and wars -- it can stand and it can reclaim its history."
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More News On Iraq's National Treasures
Iraqi Treasures Return, but Questions Remain -- New York Times
Iraq displays hundreds of recovered artifacts -- AP
Looted treasures returned to Iraq -- Foreign Policy
542 antiquities looted in Iraq war return home. Where are the rest? -- Christian Science Monitor
As Iraqi treasures return, others still lost raise questions -- Mercury News
Iraq - Minister Zebari's Speech in Ceremony of Handing Artifacts to Iraqi Museum and Ministry of Tourism -- ISRIA
U.S. Returns Spoils of War and Archaeological Loot to Iraq -- ARTINFO
My Comment: Unfortunately, many artifacts are still missing, and will probably remain missing for the foreseeable future.