Iranian Nuclear Plants Likely Target Of Foiled Cyber Sabotage -- The Guardian
Speculation grows that Israeli hackers were behind operation – but analysts say it may be impossible to identify perpetrators
Iran was the likely target of a sophisticated computer worm designed to sabotage factories and infrastructure which was almost certainly the work of a national government agency, security experts told the Guardian yesterday.
According to the security company Symantec, 60% of the computers infected by the Stuxnet computer worm are in Iran, which is where the malicious software, known as malware, was discovered by a Belarussian computer security company.
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More News On The Stuxnet Computer Worm
Iran's nuclear agency trying to stop computer worm -- AP
Cyber attack 'targeted Iran' -- Al Jazeera
'Stuxnet' Attack May Have Been Aimed At Iran: Experts -- Red Orbit
Stuxnet worm mystery: What's the cyber weapon after? -- Christian Science Monitor
Analysis: Iran "attack" points to rising cyber warfare risk -- Reuters