Arresting LRA Leader Joseph Kony Is More Complex Than You Think -- Christian Science Monitor
Many assume the US knows where LRA leader Joseph Kony is, but multinational military and diplomatic engagement will be necessary to track him down – and even that might not be enough.
“Only Mr. God knows,” is the short answer to Kony’s whereabouts, as a former LRA commander recently told Enough.
Kony might be in Sudan’s South Darfur region as a recent article claims. In reality, no one – or very few people in the world – really knows where Kony is at the moment. He may well have succumbed to a bout of malaria or worsening case of syphilis.
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More News On The Lord's Resistance Army
Ugandan Rebels Threaten Southern Sudan's Referendum -- Voice of America
LRA rebels kill and displace thousands in central Africa: UN -- AFP
LRA rebels to be given 'terrorist' status: African Union -- AFP
4 countries to move against Ugandan rebels -- UPI
Central Africa agrees to jointly combat LRA rebels -- New Vision
Four African nations crack down on LRA -- BBC
Can a joint military force defeat the LRA? -- BBC