Tamil Tigers Trying To Regroup -- Straits Times/AFP
COLOMBO - TAMIL rebel leaders based in the United States and Norway are trying to revive their defeated separatist movement, Sri Lanka's prime minister told parliament on Tuesday.
Premier D. M. Jayaratne's statements came during a debate to extend a state of emergency giving sweeping powers to police and armed forces to arrest and detain suspects for long periods without trial.
Mr Jayaratne told lawmakers two rebel leaders in the United States and Norway were reorganising the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) which Colombo said was defeated in May last year following a major military offensive.
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More News On The Tamil Tigers And Sri Lanka
SLankan PM warns of Tamil Tiger revival -- Radio Australia News
Sri Lankan Parliament extends emergency, PM says Tigers are regrouping -- Colombo Page
Sri Lanka eying on Tamil rebel int'l network -- Global Times/Xinhuanet
US convicts Singapore man in Tamil Tigers arms plot -- Asia One News/Reuters
Man convicted of trying to buy U.S. weapons for Tamil Tigers -- CNN
S Lanka rejects 'atrocity' photos -- BBC
More photos of "tamil massacre" surface -- Hindustan Times
Sri Lanka Abuse Photos - Militray Officers Identified -- Sri Lanka Guardian
Over 4,000 ex-LTTE rebels rehabilitated in Sri Lanka -- Times of India
Sri Lankan Model for Fighting Terrorism -- Ground Report