The HSUS Calls for End to NJ Bear Hunt [More]Of course they do. And I'll bet they even have a "study" to back up their demands.
I win!
New study shows that conflicts with bears have been steadily decreasingOne thing about that study author and his methods, though:
Firstly, the plan promotes a report by Dr. Edward Tavss that centers on the field of wildlife management even as Tavss admits that his area of expertise is bio-chemistry. It's similar to a foot doctor reporting on matters of the heart while portraying to his patients that he has the expertise of a cardiologist. Furthermore, the report lack
Firstly, the plan promotes a report by Dr. Edward Tavss that centers on the field of wildlife management even as Tavss admits that his area of expertise is bio-chemistry. It's similar to a foot doctor reporting on matters of the heart while portraying to his patients that he has the expertise of a cardiologist. Furthermore, the report lacks peer review, a process used by scholars to ensure the integrity of published work related to a particular field of study. The issue here is the absence of credibility.
Say, Doc, I'm getting this whirring noise every time I accelerate--do you think it's the transmission or maybe just a belt?