Twenty-eight heads of state of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will meet in Lisbon on Nov. 20 to approve a new “Strategic Concept,” the alliance’s mission statement for the next decade. This will be NATO’s third Strategic Concept since the Cold War ended. The last two came in 1991 — as the Soviet Union was collapsing — and 1999 — as NATO intervened in Yugoslavia, undertaking its first serious military engagement.
During the Cold War, the presence of 50 Soviet and Warsaw Pact armored divisions and nearly 2 million troops west of the Urals spoke far louder than mission statements. While Strategic Concepts were put out in 1949, 1952, 1957 and 1968, they merely served to reinforce NATO’s mission, namely, to keep the Soviets at bay. Today, the debate surrounding NATO’s Strategic Concept itself highlights the alliance’s existential crisis.
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More News On Nato Developing A New "Strategic Concept"
NATO Defense, Diplomatic Chiefs to Mull Strategy Document -- Global Security Newswire
NATO faces the known unknowns -- Foreign Policy
NATO ministers to review new mission statement -- Bloomberg Businessweek
NATO Ministers to Consider New Strategic Concept -- Media Newswire
Gates, NATO Defense Ministers Discuss New Strategic Concept -- US Department of Defense
NATO Seeks More Nimble Ways to Meet Challenges -- US Department of Defense
NATO Allies Close to Agreeing on Missile Defense, Diplomat Says -- Global Security Newswire
NATO’s New Strategic Concept. What should Russia prepare for? -- RIA Novosti