We need to elect candidates who understand that it's not the size of government that's the issue. [Read]
It's all about staying attached to the host.
The bit about "wasteful contracting out/privatization" almost made me laugh out loud, simply because of the boldness and irony of the lie.
Mostly the Dems in Ohio are running the filthiest political campaigns I've ever seen--all personal attacks, no issues of substance. Anyone who would vote based on these spots is guilty of citizenship malpractice.
In one, a candidate is attacked because he's dared to suggest that people ought to have the option to manage and invest a small portion of their government-mandated/confiscated retirement funds. A quote from the ad as near as I can remember:
I'm not going to let you privatize MY Social Security.Think about that.
Size doesn't matter. Neither does reality.
It will if those clouds on the horizon mean what I think they do.