Russian Spies Given Top Honors; Anna Chapman Launches iPhone App -- Christian Science Monitor
Russian spies deported from the United States earlier this year, including Anna Chapman, have received top honors from President Dmitry Medvedev.
Russian spies have traditionally faded into obscurity, embracing the aura of mystery surrounding the KGB. But not those deported from the United States earlier this year in a classic Cold War spy swap.
Read more ....
More News On The Life Of A 'Former" Russian Spy
Anna Chapman Honored: Deported Russian Spy Ring Given Kremlin's Highest Honor -- CBS News
Russia's "sexy spy" in provocative photoshoot -- Reuters
Anna Chapman in Maxim: poses topless, semi-nude in Russion edition of men's magazine -- New York Daily News
Russian spy Chapman strips off for men's magazine -- AFP
Russian spy Anna Chapman launches iPhone app -- The Telegraph
Russian racy spy Chapman strips off for men's magazine -- RIA Novosti
Russian spy poses for Maxim magazine -- MSNBC
Russian spy Anna Chapman poses armed, in lingerie -- CNN
My Comment: I know I posted on this story yesterday. But hey .... I am only reporting this news because everyone else is. Anna Chapman is Russia's version of Paris Hilton .... and her being an ex-spy, makes this story even more interesting .... plus being photographed in lingerie.