There are several weighty reasons why the Army should be held in as collected a state as possible. vzt The safety of it – its readiness to act offensively upon any opportunity being given by the Enemy. Its discipline. Its reputation, for if the Army is dispersed into [struck: many] [inserted: several] cantonments or not The Calls of [strike-out] many officers who have [2] Families will be so great as to oblige them to obtain [struck: either] furlowe or leave the service – The chance will be equal that the officer who go home for the winter are as good as any in the service. If the army is divided in to several cantonments the loss of these officers for the time will be much greater than if the Army is collected. Duty in the Cantonments will be much more more long than in the main Army. The men will maraud. and most probably the body of troops will be much more unfit at the opening of the Campaign to take the field than when they went into Quarters – [More]
Tuesday, October 19, 2010