Violent Turn To French Strikes Could Backfire On Union Protesters -- Christian Science Monitor
French strikes over pension reforms turned violent today as hard-line elements from an oil-workers union vowed to press on.
Strikes and protests in France were inconclusive on a day that was expected to help determine the strength of a movement against pension reform that has become a visceral harangue against the Sarkozy administration.
But brinkmanship by hard-core oil refinery workers, who say they will not relent until the government abandons its plan to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62, is raising concern among small business leaders, trucking firms, and airport administrators. A crisis meeting was called at the French Élysée Palace today to address the problem of energy shortages.
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More News On The Violent Strikes In France
Nicolas Sarkozy orders break-up of blockades as French protests continue -- The Guardian
French Police Smash Protesters' Fuel Depot Blockades -- NPR
French protests turn ugly as riots hit wealthy Lyon -- Reuters
Sarkozy warning as French strikes hit power supply -- BBC
In France, Pension Protests Spark Oil Shortages -- Time Magazine
French Strikes Escalate as Sarkozy Remains Defiant -- Time Magazine
French discuss the pensions fuel blockade -- BBC
French strikes and protests: as it happened -- The Guardian