Medal Of Honor Winner Salvatore Giunta On Bravery, Brotherhood, And The Korengal -- Vanity Fair
Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta will be awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions in Afghanistan’s Korengal Valley, an area called the Valley of Death. In October of 2007, during Operation Rock Avalanche, an ambush of at least a dozen Taliban fighters attacked Giunta’s company and left two of his fellow soldiers dead. Had it not been for Giunta, it would have likely been more, if not all, of the platoon. On November 16, Giunta will be the first living soldier since the Vietnam War to receive America’s highest honor, when it is awarded by President Obama at the White House.
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Update: The battle that created America's newest hero -- CNN
My Comment: A truly deserving soldier for such an honor .... and a symbol of what is the best in the American soldier.