Can NATO Modernize Before It Becomes Obsolete? -- Time Magazine
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) brands itself as the most successful military alliance in history, a bulwark of freedom and democracy for 61 years, and the coalition that won the Cold War without firing a single shot. But while the end of the Cold War made our world safer, it also made it more complex. Today, as sources of danger have diversified — from terrorism and piracy to cyberwarfare — NATO has been left looking flatfooted and ill-equipped to cope. More than two decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the alliance risks being seen as a relic.
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More News On Nato's Lisbon Summit
NATO's Lisbon meeting agenda: Afghan withdrawal and emerging threats -- Christian Science Monitor
NATO Leaders To Define A New Mission -- NPR
Lisbon summit sees "turning point" for Nato -- BBC
Lisbon beefs up security ahead of NATO summit -- Xinhuanet
NATO seeks to tackle identity crisis -- Xinhuanet
Afghanistan High on Lisbon NATO Summit Agenda -- Voice of America
Nato to debate Afghanistan at crucial Lisbon summit -- BBC
Unpopular Afghan war presents challenge to NATO -- L.A. Times
NATO to back gradual withdrawal from Afghanistan -- Reuters
Nato woos Russia at its talks on Afghan policy -- The Independent
NATO to Offer Medvedev a Warm Embrace at Summit -- Moscow Times
NATO, Russia Move Toward Cooperation -- Voice of America
Barack Obama, Dmitri Medvedev to talk missile defense -- Politico
Nato defence shield accord expected -- Press Association
Obama on three-goal mission at NATO summit -- UPI
Obama seeks to show Europe he still cares -- AP
Nato command structure 'faces cut' -- Press Association
NATO to Call For Retention of Nuclear Deterrent -- Global Security Newswire
Germany and France in nuclear weapons dispute ahead of Nato summit -- The Guardian
U.S. Nukes in Europe Unnecessary -- Micah Zenko, Council On Foreign Relations
Next, a NATO-Russia Strategic Concept -- Oksana Antonenko and Igor Yurgens, New York Times
NATO's missing agenda item in Lisbon -- Ian Brzezinski, Shadow Government/Foreign Policy
Searching for a new NATO strategy -- Euronews
For 60 years, Nato kept the peace in Europe. What now? -- Martin Kettle, The Guardian
NATO tries to reinvent itself at Lisbon summit -- Christian Science Monitor editorial