Iran's Nuclear Program Reportedly Struggling -- Washington Post
Iran's nuclear program has experienced serious problems, including unexplained fluctuations in the performance of the thousands of centrifuges enriching uranium, leading to a rare but temporary shutdown, international inspectors are expected to reveal Tuesday.
The International Atomic Energy Agency, the U.N. unit that monitors nuclear programs, will provide no explanation of the problems. But speculation immediately centered on the Stuxnet worm, a computer virus that some researchers say appears to have been designed specifically to target Iran's centrifuge machines so that they spin out of control.
Iran denies the worm caused any problems.
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More News On Reports That Iran's Nuclear Program Is Suffering Setbacks
UN: Iran enrichment was stopped -- AP
IAEA Says Iran Temporarily Halted Uranium Enrichment In November -- Radio Free Europe
Iran temporarily halted enrichment in mid-November - IAEA -- Reuters
IAEA confirms Iran temporarily stopped enriching uranium -- Jerusalem Post
Iran Denies Technical Problems Set Back Nuclear Efforts -- Voice of America
Iran rejects Western media reports of halting uranium enrichment -- Xinhuanet
Iran denies problem with uranium enrichment -- AFP
Iran denies Stuxnet disrupted its nuclear programme -- BBC