Killing 'Really Addictive:' Veteran's Essay Leads to Ban From Campus -- ABC News
College Bars Iraq Veteran Pending Psychological Evaluation.
In an essay for a college English class, Charles Whittington Jr. opened up about his feelings about his time in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan.
"Killing becomes a drug, and it is really addictive. I had a really hard time with this problem when I returned to the United States, because turning this addiction off was impossible," Whittington wrote in the essay for his class at the Community College of Baltimore County in Catonsville, Md.
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My Comment: Fortunately .... while it may be addictive .... returning vets are able to turn this type of behavior off (with very rare exceptions). As for the College banning this vet from attending class .... this is a bit overboard. There should be an open discussion on this issue instead of punishing those who want to talk about it .... unfortunately, it appears that certain biases and judgments are being made before an examination of the facts are made.