White House Puts Military Commissions on Hold, Source Says
The White House has sent word to the Office of Military Commissions to stand down because President Obama will not support military trials at this time, a source close to the Pentagon told Fox News.
Another military source supported this account, telling Fox News that all signs in recent weeks point in that direction.
Asked to respond to claims that the commissions were told to stand down, a senior administration official told Fox News, “we intend to use all of the tools at our disposal to bring these guys to justice.”
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My Comment: This being Thanksgiving .... I doubt that anyone is going to confirm (or deny) this story for the next day or two. But if true (and I believe that it is true), this signals a continuation of President Obama's and Attorney General Holder's continuing belief that civilian trails are the way to go, and that they have no interest to change their Guantanamo detainee trial policies in the near future.
On a side note, Marc Thiessen has an interesting opinion piece on "the enduring appeal of trying terrorists before military commissions".