U.S. To Go Ahead With Terrorism Trials -- L.A. Times
The acquittal of an embassy bombings suspect on almost all charges shouldn't prompt an end to trying cases in civilian courts, officials say.
Reporting from Washington — The Obama administration remains committed to trying more terrorism suspects in civilian court even though a federal jury acquitted a Tanzanian of all but one charge in the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings, senior Justice Department officials said Thursday.
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My Comment: When you find yourself in a hole .... you do not continue digging. But digging is what this administration is hell bent on doing. I guess they feel comfortable with the knowledge that since their liberal supporters believe this trial was a victory, there is nothing to worry about. Read .... New York Times, Washington Post, L.A. Times, and Politico.
For me, the Wall Street Journal summed it up best.