Kind of like a straight-to-DVD version of "The Expendables"...? [Read]
Ferrigno--Look out behind you!
I'll tell you how old I am--I remember Peter Lupus when he billed himself as Rock Stevens in sword and sandal flicks. I thought his having a vaccination scar was the funniest damn thing...
I don't mean to be so contrary, especially as a citizen militia advocate, but I've just never been enamored of "star cops."
And I still think Sheriff Joe's got some 'splainin' to do.
[Via William T]
Ferrigno--Look out behind you!
I'll tell you how old I am--I remember Peter Lupus when he billed himself as Rock Stevens in sword and sandal flicks. I thought his having a vaccination scar was the funniest damn thing...
I don't mean to be so contrary, especially as a citizen militia advocate, but I've just never been enamored of "star cops."
And I still think Sheriff Joe's got some 'splainin' to do.
[Via William T]