Followers of the Rare Earths debate, get ready for a feeling video gamers know all too well: Just when you've mastered Level 1, Level 2 hits you with a new quantum of complexity. With a blend of headlines and hype, Level 1 has brought us to an either/or impasse: Either our high-tech economies are about to grind to a halt for lack of Rare Earths - or we're at the brink of a Rare Earths "bubble," with new supply pouring into the market far ahead of demand's ability to soak it up.
That's as far as Rare Earths 1.0 can take us. It's time to step up to Rare Earths 2.0, where geology and geo-politics collide.
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My Comment: Some good background information and analysis on the geopolitics of rare earths can be found at the Scholar's Stage.