The Saudi Succession Battle Spills Into The Press -- Foreign Policy
A number of smart people have spent considerable energy on the question of what will happen after Egypt's 82-year-old President Hosni Mubarak finally passes on to that great pyramid in the sky. But it may actually be Saudi Arabia, which is ruled by the 86-year-old King Abdullah, that is the next major U.S. ally in the Middle East to become embroiled in a succession struggle.
The Saudi monarch was a no-show on Saturday for his traditional role to oversee the hajj; the state press said that he was recuperating from a herniated disc. Abdullah delegated the role to Prince Nayef, 77, the interior minister and second deputy prime minister.
Read me ....
More News On Saudi Arabia's Eventual Leadership Succession
Power struggle clouds Saudi Kingdom -- Press TV
Riyadh issues statement to reassure on king's health -- Reuters
Saudi king names son national guard chief -- AFP
Saudi king transfers National Guard duties to son -- Washington Post/AP
Saudi king delegates deputy PM to oversee Hajj -- Reuters
Saudi king transfers hajj duties to deputy prime minister after rupturing disc in his back -- Canadian Press
My Comment: At 86 years old .... his time is running out, and I am sure there are many around him who are now positioning themselves for what happens next.