World News Briefs -- November 10, 2010 (Evening Edition)

Deficit Panel Offers 'Painful' Program For U.S. -- L.A. Times

'America cannot be great if we go broke,' says the 50-page draft proposal from the chairmen of President Obama's bipartisan deficit commission. Among the five basic recommendations: 'tough discretionary spending caps,' tax reform, and changes to Social Security.

WASHINGTON — The chairmen of President Obama's bipartisan deficit commission on Wednesday outlined stark recommendations they say are necessary to secure the nation's fiscal standing, including reforms of the tax code and entitlement programs that would likely spark opposition from lawmakers and interest groups.

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US rebukes Israel on settlements. Netanyahu to Obama: Jerusalem is not a settlement.

Sunni-backed Iraqiya to join Maliki-led Iraq govt. Iraq power-sharing talks stall on key issues.

Deadly attacks target Iraqi Christians.

Limited US options in Yemen raise Saudi role.

Iran says won't discuss nuclear issue with big six.


G-20 security fence draws criticism.

Suspected rebels kill 2 Indian soldiers in Kashmir.

Myanmar 'preparing for Suu Kyi release'.

Myanmar refugees return home.

India's Security Council seat: Don't hold your breath.

Christian woman sentenced to death in Pakistan 'for blasphemy'.

Indonesian volcano forces flight cancellations.


Guinea vote starts spiral into dissent.

UN: Somali piracy outpaces efforts to stop it.

French court orders resumed probe into 3 African presidents' assets in France.

Western Sahara clashes threaten UN talks between Morocco, separatists.

Nigeria strike goes ahead despite presidential talks. Nigeria unions suspend strike after pay promise.

Congo Republic declares a polio emergency.


British protesters smash into Tory HQ and storm the roof as anti-cuts rioters hijack tuition fees march.

UK's total debt forecast to hit £10 trillion by 2015.

U.K. admirals urge rethink on Harrier and Ark Royal cuts.

Sarkozy signs the law: French retire at 62, not 60.

EU scolds Turkey on border issues.

Ireland's crisis flares as investors dump bonds.


US approval of arms pact with Russia looking shaky.

EU energy strategy envisages shared network.

OAS urges talks in Central America Google map spat.

Pentagon can't explain 'missile' off California.

Mexicans fear turf war after drug kingpin's death.

U.S. military helping Mexican troops battle drug cartels.

Cholera now in Haiti capital, rapid spread feared.

In Peru, Lori Berenson's parole spurs concern that former rebels could be freed.


Cargo plane bomb found in Britain was primed to blow up over US.

Waterboarding and other 'Decision Points' in Bush's war on terror.

Radical cleric back on YouTube, despite video purge.

Somalia's al-Shabaab 'youth movement' becoming 'strongest Al Qaeda force we have on the planet'.

Ahmed Ghailani, charged as Al Qaeda terrorist in U.S. embassy bombings, slammed in closing arguments.


U.S. debt proposal would cut social security, taxes, medicare. Deficit panel leaders' plan curbs Social Security. U.S. Deficit Commission recommends changes to Social Security.

Analysis: German tempers fray as U.S. policy gulf widens.

As Obama arrives in Seoul, Fed decision clouds G-20 debate.

As Seoul prepares to host G20, Summers speaks of trade 'imbalances'.

'Culture of complacency' at BP set stage for oil spill, commission chief says.

APEC seeks to build vast free trade area.

China stresses global economic stability as it heads to G20, APEC summits.

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