Wikileaks Embassy Cables: The Key Points At A Glance -- The Guardian
There are no fewer than 251,287 cables from more than 250 US embassies around the world, obtained by Wikileaks. We present a day-by-day guide to the revelations from the US embassy cables both from the Guardian and its international media partners in the story
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Iran accuses Israel, West in scientist slaying.
Islamists say almost erased from Egypt assembly. Violence, voting irregularities mar Egyptian elections.
Maliki vows to form Iraqi cabinet within weeks, says U.S. troops not needed past 2011.
Tariq Aziz sentenced on crimes against Iraqi Kurds.
Trust in short supply at Middle East talks.
China quiet one day after proposing talks on Korea tensions. SKorea cancels new artillery drill on tense island. South Korean president takes responsibility for failing to protect country, signals hardened military stance toward North.
NATO: 6 service members killed in Afghanistan.
Thailand: Ruling party holds on to power — for now.
Pakistan confirms Wikileaks claim of US nuclear appeals.
Somalia: 15 killed, 20 injured in second day of Mogadishu clashes.
South Sudanese flee border area fearing air raids.
Sudan boycott clouds tough Africa-EU summit.
Ivory Coast awaits Gbagbo-Ouattara run-off result.
Wikileaks cables leave Europe angry and irritated.
Ireland wins $113 billion aid; Germany drops threat on bonds.
Swiss pass measure to expel foreigners convicted of crimes.
Initial Moldovan vote count indicates gridlock to continue.
Staggering Picasso trove turns up in France.
US tries to contain damage from leaked documents.
Haiti's Presidential vote: Outrage over a 'selection'. Haiti's government declares elections success; candidates allege fraud.
Gang leader blamed in Ciudad Juarez violence arrested.
After taking key slum, Rio looks to next targets.
Close calls for
NATO: 6 service members killed in Afghanistan.
Thailand: Ruling party holds on to power — for now.
Pakistan confirms Wikileaks claim of US nuclear appeals.
Somalia: 15 killed, 20 injured in second day of Mogadishu clashes.
South Sudanese flee border area fearing air raids.
Sudan boycott clouds tough Africa-EU summit.
Ivory Coast awaits Gbagbo-Ouattara run-off result.
Wikileaks cables leave Europe angry and irritated.
Ireland wins $113 billion aid; Germany drops threat on bonds.
Swiss pass measure to expel foreigners convicted of crimes.
Initial Moldovan vote count indicates gridlock to continue.
Staggering Picasso trove turns up in France.
US tries to contain damage from leaked documents.
Haiti's Presidential vote: Outrage over a 'selection'. Haiti's government declares elections success; candidates allege fraud.
Gang leader blamed in Ciudad Juarez violence arrested.
After taking key slum, Rio looks to next targets.
Close calls for
Ivory Coast awaits Gbagbo-Ouattara run-off result.
Wikileaks cables leave Europe angry and irritated.
Ireland wins $113 billion aid; Germany drops threat on bonds.
Swiss pass measure to expel foreigners convicted of crimes.
Initial Moldovan vote count indicates gridlock to continue.
Staggering Picasso trove turns up in France.
US tries to contain damage from leaked documents.
Haiti's Presidential vote: Outrage over a 'selection'. Haiti's government declares elections success; candidates allege fraud.
Gang leader blamed in Ciudad Juarez violence arrested.
After taking key slum, Rio looks to next targets.
Close calls for al-Qaida's No. 2.
Wikileaks papers could be used by Al Qaeda, analysts warn.
U.S. Senator Graham says he has the votes to keep KSM terror trial at Guantanamo Bay.
France, Germany say euro saved, but investors skeptical.
A look at economic developments around the globe.
EU paves way for common patent system.
Wikileaks cables leave Europe angry and irritated.
Ireland wins $113 billion aid; Germany drops threat on bonds.
Swiss pass measure to expel foreigners convicted of crimes.
Initial Moldovan vote count indicates gridlock to continue.
Staggering Picasso trove turns up in France.
US tries to contain damage from leaked documents.
Haiti's Presidential vote: Outrage over a 'selection'. Haiti's government declares elections success; candidates allege fraud.
Gang leader blamed in Ciudad Juarez violence arrested.
After taking key slum, Rio looks to next targets.
Close calls for al-Qaida's No. 2.
Wikileaks papers could be used by Al Qaeda, analysts warn.
U.S. Senator Graham says he has the votes to keep KSM terror trial at Guantanamo Bay.
France, Germany say euro saved, but investors skeptical.
A look at economic developments around the globe.
EU paves way for common patent system.