Highlights - Latest WikiLeaks Developments -- Reuters
(Reuters) - The White House has set up a special committee to assess the damage from the flood of classified cables released by WikiLeaks and organise efforts to tighten security measures in government agencies.
Here are Thursday's highlights in the unfolding story:
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More News On New Wikileaks Revelations
Full coverage of the U.S. embassy cables released by Wikileaks -- The Guardian
WikiLeaks cables, day 4: summary of today's key points -- The Guardian
Latest WikiLeaks Cables Brand Russia 'Mafia State' -- Radio Free Europe
WikiLeaks shows U.S. concern at Berlusconi-Putin tie -- Reuters
WikiLeaks cables allege Russia bribed Viktor Bout witnesses -- The Guardian
WikiLeaks cable warns of 'widening crime war' in Israel -- Haaretz
Wikileaks: Sri Lanka's Rajapaksa blamed for killings -- BBC
US embassy cables: US and Pakistan deny revelations of mutual mistrust -- The Guardian
UK overruled on Lebanon spy flights from Cyprus, WikiLeaks cables reveal -- The Guardian
Clinton to face Arab leaders after WikiLeaks exposures -- AFP
US State Department tells employees not to read WikiLeaks -- Christian Science Monitor
Wall Street Gets Diluted Version of WikiLeaks -- Wall Street Journal
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Tells TIME: Hillary Clinton 'Should Resign' -- Time Magazine
Amazon Dumps Wikileaks From Its Servers, U.S. Gov't Tightens Security -- Dai
WikiLeaks cables, day 4: summary of today's key points -- The Guardian
Latest WikiLeaks Cables Brand Russia 'Mafia State' -- Radio Free Europe
WikiLeaks shows U.S. concern at Berlusconi-Putin tie -- Reuters
WikiLeaks cables allege Russia bribed Viktor Bout witnesses -- The Guardian
WikiLeaks cable warns of 'widening crime war' in Israel -- Haaretz
Wikileaks: Sri Lanka's Rajapaksa blamed for killings -- BBC
US embassy cables: US and Pakistan deny revelations of mutual mistrust -- The Guardian
UK overruled on Lebanon spy flights from Cyprus, WikiLeaks cables reveal -- The Guardian
Clinton to face Arab leaders after WikiLeaks exposures -- AFP
US State Department tells employees not to read WikiLeaks -- Christian Science Monitor
Wall Street Gets Diluted Version of WikiLeaks -- Wall Street Journal
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Tells TIME: Hillary Clinton 'Should Resign' -- Time Magazine
Amazon Dumps Wikileaks From Its Servers, U.S. Gov't Tightens Security -- Dai
Wikileaks: Sri Lanka's Rajapaksa blamed for killings -- BBC
US embassy cables: US and Pakistan deny revelations of mutual mistrust -- The Guardian
UK overruled on Lebanon spy flights from Cyprus, WikiLeaks cables reveal -- The Guardian
Clinton to face Arab leaders after WikiLeaks exposures -- AFP
US State Department tells employees not to read WikiLeaks -- Christian Science Monitor
Wall Street Gets Diluted Version of WikiLeaks -- Wall Street Journal
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Tells TIME: Hillary Clinton 'Should Resign' -- Time Magazine
Amazon Dumps Wikileaks From Its Servers, U.S. Gov't Tightens Security -- Daily Tech
Swedish High Court Upholds Arrest Warrant for WikiLeaks Founder -- Voice of America
Truth's Consequences: WikiLeaks' War on Secrecy -- Massimo Calabresi, Time Magazine
Wikileaks chief: What will he do next? -- The Independent
US embassy cables: US and Pakistan deny revelations of mutual mistrust -- The Guardian
UK overruled on Lebanon spy flights from Cyprus, WikiLeaks cables reveal -- The Guardian
Clinton to face Arab leaders after WikiLeaks exposures -- AFP
US State Department tells employees not to read WikiLeaks -- Christian Science Monitor
Wall Street Gets Diluted Version of WikiLeaks -- Wall Street Journal
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Tells TIME: Hillary Clinton 'Should Resign' -- Time Magazine
Amazon Dumps Wikileaks From Its Servers, U.S. Gov't Tightens Security -- Daily Tech
Swedish High Court Upholds Arrest Warrant for WikiLeaks Founder -- Voice of America
Truth's Consequences: WikiLeaks' War on Secrecy -- Massimo Calabresi, Time Magazine
Wikileaks chief: What will he do next? -- The Independent