China Stealth Plane Still 'Years Away', Says Pentagon -- BBC
The US is downplaying pictures which appear to show a working prototype of a Chinese stealth aircraft, invisible to radar.
The images - first published on websites - show what looks like a stealth fighter on a taxi run.
Beijing has not commented on whether the pictures - published ahead of US Defence Secretary Robert Gates' visit later this week - are genuine.
The Pentagon says China is still years away from deploying a stealth aircraft.
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More News On China's Stealth Fighter
Navy Intel Chief Yawns at China’s New Jet, Missile -- The Danger Room
US downplays concern over Chinese stealth fighter -- AFP
China Newspaper Refers to New Jet -- Wall Street Journal
China media report mystery stealth fighter photos -- AP
China completes stealth fighter prototype -- AFP
Chinese J-20 Stealth Fighter In Taxi Tests -- Aviation Week
China 'leaks' sneak peek of first stealth aircraft going for a test run -- The Daily Mail
Chinese jet fighter 'sighting' raises fears over region's military power balance -- The Guardian
J-20 stealth fighter: China's neighbours watching closely -- The Telegraph
China's Ballistic-Missile, Stealth-Fighter Advances Draw Attention of U.S. -- Bloomberg
J-20 stealth fighter: how the world's largest military force is modernising -- The Telegraph
China’s Push to Modernize Military Is Bearing Fruit -- New York Times
Is China closer than thought to matching U.S. fighter jet prowess? -- CNN
A Chinese Stealth Challenge? -- Wall Street Journal