Bringing Afghanis Over To The Coalition Side, One Tribe At A Time -- Max Boot, Commentary Magazine
There has been much loose talk about the possibility of reaching a high-level peace deal with the Taliban. No such effort is likely to succeed, at least not in the short run, because the Taliban do not yet feel defeated. In any case, high-level Taliban leaders, safely ensconced in Pakistan, have no incentive to give up a fight in which their foot soldiers are suffering while they enjoy shelter and subsidies from the Pakistani regime. But lower-level deals to bring tribes over to the side of the coalition are likely to prove more fruitful — just as they did in Iraq.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
The winter of Kim Jong-il's discontent -- Sung-Yoon Lee, Christian Science Monitor
Why are so many South American countries recognizing the Palestinian state? -- Joshua Keating, Foreign Policy
The wages of Arab decay -- Marc Lynch, Foreign Policy
The real blasphemy in Pakistan -- Saroop Ijaz, L.A. Times
Al-Qaida in Pakistan -- Arnaud de Borchgrave, UPI
When Muslims kill Christians -- Washington Times editorial
Reality check for Russian oil -- Sergei Blagov, Asia Times
Malware warfare made us all safer: Stuxnet for Nobel Peace Prize -- Charley J. Levine, The Washington Times
China’s Money Diplomacy Hits Limit -- Minxin Pei, the Diplomat
Which China will we see in 2011? -- Frank Ching, Globe And Mail
Bavarian Farmers Threaten Bid for Olympic Games -- Gerhard Pfeil, Spiegel Online