Homeland Security Changes The Color-Coded Terror Alerts

Napolitano Announces End To Color-Coded Terror Alerts -- USA Today

WASHINGTON — The color-coded terrorism alert system that has greeted travelers at airports since shortly after the Sept. 11 hijackings is being phased out, the government announced today.

Long a joke on late-night talk shows, the color codes are being replaced by a system designed to give law enforcement and potential targets critical information without unnecessarily alarming or confusing the public, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said in her first annual "State of America's Homeland Security" address.

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More News On Homeland Security Changing The Color-Coded Terror Alert System

New US terror alert system replaces color code -- Yahoo News/AFP
Obama administration to replace color-coded terror alerts with new warning system -- Washington Post
Color-Coded Terror Warnings to End by April 27 -- CBS News
U.S. scraps color-coded terror alerts -- UPI
Color Coded Terror Alerts Retired by Department of Homeland Security -- ABC News
U.S. to provide specifics in future terrorism alerts -- Reuters
Color-coded threat system to be replaced in April -- CNN
U.S. Government to Ditch Terror Color Warning System -- FOX News
U.S. Will Scrap Color-Coded Terror Alerts, Napolitano Says -- Bloomberg
Code Red: Color-Coded Terrorist Threat Levels Say Goodbye -- Time Magazine
DHS to End Color-Coded ‘Threat Level’ Advisories -- The Danger Room

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