In Tokyo, Gates Calls For Unity, Pledges Help If S. Korea Is Attacked By North -- Washington Post
TOKYO - South Korea would have U.S. support if it retaliates in the event of another North Korean attack, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said Thursday as he called on all the countries in the region to work together to ward off such a provocation.
In Tokyo on the fourth day of a northeast Asia trip, Gates met with all the Japanese government's senior officials as part of an effort to create a united front against North Korean belligerence and further the U.S. policy of forcing Pyongyang to halt random attacks on the South and return to talks aimed at ending its nuclear weapons program.
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More News On Secretary of Defense Gates' Trip In Asia
Gates Reaffirms U.S. Support of South Korea -- New York Times
Robert Gates warns of North Korean threat -- BBC
In Seoul, Gates Reiterates Call for North Korea to Change -- Wall Street Journal
US Defense Secretary Says Talks with North Korea Possible -- Voice of America
Gates to North Korea: End belligerent acts -- CNN
Gates says North-South Korea talks possible (VIDEO) -- Global Post
Gates Stresses Need to Prevent North Korean Provocations -- U.S. Department of Defense
Regional risks make U.S.-Japan ties even more key, Gates says -- Washington Post
Gates Says U.S. Troop Presence in Japan Necessary for Regional Stability -- Bloomberg
Gates: U.S. forces in Japan critical to Asia security -- L.A. Times
Gates eases up on Okinawa base relocation -- UPI