World News Briefs -- January 28, 2011

Violent Clashes Erupt During Protests In Egypt -- CNN

Cairo, Egypt (CNN) -- Police fired tear gas into crowds Friday as violent clashes between authorities and anti-government protesters broke out in Alexandria, Egypt.

At least 1,000 protesters had gathered, and youths hurled rocks through black clouds of gas. Crowds ran through the streets toward the city's central square.

In Cairo, police stepped up their presence on the streets as the country's largest opposition bloc continued to calls for protests.

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Death toll reaches 51 day after Iraq funeral blast. Protests erupt after lethal blast in Baghdad.

Lebanon PM wraps up talks on govt. Hariri, allies will not join Mikati govt - sources.

In Yemen, tens of thousands march against president. Yemen complains about Jazeera's coverage of unrest.

Christianity 'could vanish from Middle East'.


Pyongyang calls for talks between lawmakers. Obama backs Seoul and demands North Korea give up nukes.

India Maoist rebels 'killed in gunbattle'.

Pakistan's Shi'ite Muslims under siege as attacks rise.

US official Raymond Davis on Lahore murder charges.


Egypt protesters clash with police after prayers. Egypt: Internet down, police counterterror unit up.

Robert Mugabe clamps down further in Zimbabwe.

Murder of gay activist David Kato sends chill in Uganda.

Mandela, 92, discharged from S. African hospital.


Medvedev signs ratification of nuke pact with US.

Cameron defends austerity, urges Europe to follow.

Ireland's PM will dissolve parliament Tuesday.

Germany says will do everything necessary for euro.


Honduran leader marks 1st year amid protests.

US Defence Secretary faults Congress for weakening military.

Drug violence edges closer to Mexican capital.

5 years on, Morales' Bolivian revolution falters.


Russia to color-code terror after airport bombing.

Moscow bomber 'was Islamist militant from North Caucasus'.

US has Al-Qaeda on the run in global fight: Obama.


Apple stores in China outsell Fifth Avenue as nation outgrows gray market.

U.S., Japan warned by IMF, rating agencies on debt.

Panel: Negligence, risk-taking fueled U.S. economy's collapse. Causes of the financial crisis? Commission ends in hung jury.

Only one US bank was safe from collapse during financial crisis, says Fed's Ben Bernanke.

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