In the Shadows With Counterterrorism Czar John Brennan, Obama's Secret Weapon -- Time Magazine
John Brennan's portfolio covers a hair-raising spectrum of horribles, including everything from cyberattacks to earthquakes and pandemics. But the top priority of the White House's top adviser on homeland security and counterterrorism is the continuing threat of radical Islamists who have mounted a series of attacks on the U.S. during President Barack Obama's tenure that came close to killing countless innocents.
The alarms — real and false — never stop going off. Brennan constantly gets alerts about suspicious airline passengers. "We had a couple this morning," says Brennan, sitting in his office on a January afternoon. "Is this just an inebriated passenger? You're trying to make sure that you understand the nature of the threat."
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My Comment: His job is one that I do not envy.