Egypt Protests: Barack Obama May Rue The Day He Decided To Abandon Mubarak -- Con Coughlin, The Telegraph
Whoever replaces Egypt's president might not prove such a staunch ally of the US, writes Con Coughlin.
Political revolts have an uncanny knack of catching even the best-prepared administrations off guard, as Barack Obama is discovering in the wake of the sudden eruption of unrest in Egypt.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
The Middle East and the Multicultural Nightmare -- Victor Davis Hanson, Pajamas media
U.S. Shadow War Will Go On, Whoever Runs Yemen -- Spencer Ackerman, Danger Room
Zimbabwe media: We'll have none of this Egypt stuff here -- Joshua Keating, Foreign Policy
No Quick Fix for Arab Youth's Economic Woes -- Ulrike Putz, Spiegel Online
Food crisis threatens Asia -- Michael Richardson, Japan Times
Moldova's Revolution in Slow Motion -- Matthew Rojansky and Lyndon Allin, World Politics Review
How Pacifism Led to the Great War -- and Could Lead Us into the Next One -- Robert Morrison, American Thinker
When Irish Eyes Are Crying -- Michael Lewis, Vanity Fair
Commentaries, Opinions, Editorials, And Analysis On The Revolution In Egypt
The battle for Tahrir Square -- Al Jazeera
The Tahrir Show -- Blake Hounshell, Foreign Policy
Egypt Endgame -- Marc Lynch, Foreign Policy
Egypt Needs Liberalism -- Michael J. Totten, Commentary Magazine
Rebuffed U.S. turns to Egypt military in the crisis -- Peter Nicholas, Paul Richter and David S. Cloud, Los Angeles Times
Driftwood Diplomacy -- Steve McCann, American Thinker
Watching Thugs With Razors and Clubs at Tahrir Sq. -- Nicholas D. Kristof, The New York Times
Egypt’s blood on Obama’s hands? -- Washington Times editorial
U.S. walks the line on Egypt -- Doyle McManus, L.A. Times
Wednesday's crackdown was vintage Mubarak -- McClatchy News
U.S. officials: Cairo clash shows army won't push Mubarak out -- McClatchy News
Mubarak Reveals a Brutal Plan to Hold Power -- Tony Karon, Time Magazine
Egypt’s Bumbling Brotherhood -- Scott Artran, New York Times
A conservative split aids Obama on Egypt -- J. Dionne Jr., Washington Post
Egypt: On holiday in a revolution -- Mary Barnard in Aswan, Egypt, The Telegraph