Navy Breaks World Record With Futuristic Free-Electron Laser -- FOX News
WASHINGTON – The Navy just set a new world record, a test blast from a new type of laser that can shoot cruise missiles from the sky in seconds with a deadly accuracy that simply doesn't exist in the military’s vast arsenal today.
And that new record moved them one step closer to proving the "holy grail" of laser guns is real.
To create incredible power requires incredible energy. After all, the more power one puts into a laser accelerator, the more powerful and precise the light beam that comes out on the other end. During a private tour of the Jefferson Lab in Newport News, VA., on Friday, saw scientists blast unprecedented levels of power into a prototype accelerator, producing a supercharged electron beam that can burn through 20 feet of steel per second.
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My Comment: What can I say .... but this is impressive. There is more info here.