Defense Department Would Receive $553 Billion, Plus $118 Billion To Fund Wars -- Washington Post
The president's proposed budget requests $553 billion for the Defense Department's base spending and $118 billion to fund the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, for a total of $671 billion.
Although the base budget would rise $22 billion above the fiscal 2010 figure expected to be available this year, the war funding would drop by $41 billion from the $159 billion expected for this year. That would put the proposed overall figure for fiscal 2012 at almost $20 billion less than overall defense spending for this year.
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Factbox: Funding for major weapons programs in U.S. budget -- Reuters
Cuts in European defense budgets raise concerns for U.S., NATO -- Washington Post
Russia to deploy modern missile defense systems on disputed Kuril Islands -- RIA Novosti
Russia: Foreign Power May Have Disabled Satellite -- Defense News
Mullen: US depends on military ties with Israel -- Stars And Stripes/AP
Iraq Diverts F-16 Budget for Food Rations -- Defense News
China’s Amphibious Power -- The Diplomat
Navy budget request adds Hornets, ships in 2012 -- Navy Times
Still no word on fate of combat brigades in Europe -- Stars And Stripes
Gates Seeks Help To End JSF Alternate Engine -- Aviation Week
U.S. to stop funding NATO missile defense program -- Reuters
Pentagon: U.S. will not field MEADS -- Army Times
Pentagon aims for tanker award next month -- Reuters
U.S. Air Force Seeks $3.74 Billion for New Bomber Program -- Bloomberg
Robots Forced To Carry Out Unspeakable Acts -- Strategy Page
‘Insatiable Demand’ Sparks $5B ISR Request -- DoD Buzz
U.S. to Replace Nuke Delivery Platforms -- Global Security Newswire
Vets Want 3rd Party to Handle Military Sex Abuse -- CBS News
CIA Lawyer: How I Issued Drone ‘Death Warrants’ -- The Danger Room
Congressional Hearing on Intelligence -- Defense Tech
Darpa Gets Big Bucks for ‘Cyber Tech’ (Whatever That Means) -- Danger Room