US-Egyptian Military Ties: How Much Leverage Does The Pentagon Have? -- Christian Science Monitor
The Egyptian military could play a pivotal role in resolving the crisis, but the Pentagon must weigh carefully how hard a line it wants to take with its Egyptian counterparts.
As violence on the streets of Cairo has intensified, Egyptians and Americans alike have been closely monitoring the actions of the Egyptian military, thought by many to hold the trump card in determining just how quickly Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak leaves office.
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China's Military Growth Frightens U.S. Lawmakers? -- Daily Tech
Taiwan Coast Guard Adds Two New Ships -- CG Blog
M1A1s for Iraq -- Bring the Heat, Bring the Stupid
North Korea Preps Hovercraft Assault Force -- The Danger Room
Swedish Military Urges Use of Social Media -- Defense News
U.K. Defense Review Pushes Reform, Capability Cuts -- Defense News
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Russian Scientists Worried Iran Uses Their Know-How for Missiles -- Bloomberg
Factbox: Egypt's powerful military -- DNA
Will U.S.-Egypt Military Ties Remain? -- NPR
No change to US military posture in Mideast-admiral -- Reuters
Infantry: The Play's The Thing -- Strategy Page
Budget Resolution Hurts Obama’s Nonproliferation Goals, Study Asserts -- Global Security Newswire
Unmanned subs making waves in undersea warfare -- Stars And Stripes
General Atomics gets $148 million UAV contract -- Sign on San Diego
Rise of the “Blimps”: The US Army’s LEMV -- Defense Industry Daily
Retro Tech Shaving Hours Off Tedious Journeys in Afghanistan -- Defense Tech
Main Battle Rifle -- Neptunus Lex
Cyber War, Insurrections and Elections -- DoD Buzz
Why pressure is mounting to kill your next raise -- Marine Times
Why military spending remains untouchable -- Andrew J. Bacevich, Salon (Commentary)
Top 10 Fiscally Responsible Defense Cuts: How to Save $357.8 Billion by 2015 -- Defence Professionals
The military's most tenacious enemy: suicide: More troops kill themselves than die in combat -- Sign On San Diego
20,000 military members, vets faced foreclosure in 2010 -- USA Today