Report: Billions Lost On Contracts In Iraq And Afghanistan -- CNN
Washington (CNN) -- A new report blasts the U.S. government for wasting tens of billions of dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan by relying too much on contractors and doing too little to monitor their performance.
The interim report from the Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan points out that contractors in the war zones sometimes have exceeded the number of military personnel. Numbering 200,000, contractors now roughly match the military force.
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More News On Waste In Iraq And Afghanistan
Study says US wasted billions in Iraq, Afghanistan -- AFP
US wasted billions in Iraq and Afghanistan, says report -- RFI
Wartime contracting commission details years of waste -- Government Executive
US oversight of war-zone contractors labeled weak -- Bloomerbg Businessweek
Commission Concerned with Contingency Contracting -- Project on Government Oversight
My Comment: With so much money 'sloshing around' .... who has any motivation to stop these wars and conflicts?