Gates: Prospects For Closing Guantanamo 'Very, Very Low' -- CNN
Washington (CNN) -- Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said Thursday that congressional opposition makes the likelihood of closing the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, "very, very low."
Gates' remarks at a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee was the one of the clearest signs yet of the dim prospects for carrying out one of President Barack Obama's earliest executive orders: to shutter the facility where the U.S. military has detained suspected terrorists since 2002.
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More News On The Prospects For Closing Guantanamo
Chances of closing Guantanamo jail very low: Gates -- Reuters
Gates: Prospect very low that Guantanamo closes -- AP
Gates Says Chances ‘Low’ Obama Can Close Guantanamo -- Bloomberg
US defence chief: Prospect of closing Guantanamo low; it's now harder to release detainees -- Canadian Press
My Comment: I cannot say that I am surprised.