Gates: U.S. Keen on Keeping Some Troops in Iraq After 2011 -- Wall Street Journal
The U.S. is interested in keeping a small number of troops in Iraq after the end of the year, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday.
Under the current agreement with Iraq, hammered out at the end of the Bush administration, the U.S. has promised to withdraw all of its troops by the end of 2011. Defense officials have said they are open to considering keeping some troops in the country, if Iraq asked for that. So far, Baghdad hasn’t made such a request.
But on Wednesday, Mr. Gates said the Iraqi military would face challenges if they turned out all of the American trainers currently in the country. The U.S., which once had more than 170,000 troops in Iraq, now has about 50,000.
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More News On U.S. Troops In Iraq After 2011
Gates: US has 'interest' in keeping troops in Iraq -- AP
Iraq to face problems without U.S. military: Gates -- Reuters
Gates: Iraqis will have 'problems' after US pull-out -- AFP
Gates: Iraq will face problems if U.S. troops withdraw -- The Cable/Foreign Policy
Gates wants to keep more troops in Iraq -- Salon
Gates sees need for US troops in Iraq beyond 2011 -- M&C