Une mine antipersonnel explose à quelques mètres d'un journaliste de TF1 Vidéo OZAP sélectionnée dans Actualité
VIDEO: XM-25 on Patrol -- Kit Up
Our friends at Soldier Systems posted a video this morning that shows the highlights of an embed by a French news team with a company from the 101st near Kandahar ....
.... At 6:26, what I think is the platoon sergeant steps on a pressure plate IED and the reporter is hit as well. There’s no blood and guts, don’t worry, but it’s pretty damned freaky. I can’t tell what happened to the sergeant — my French isn’t good enough to keep up — but he looks like his legs and feet were banged up pretty bad.
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My Comment: I rarely post videos or pictures of U.S. soldiers being injured, and never any pictures or videos of U.S. soldiers being killed. But this is a riveting video that illustrates the extreme dangers that our soldiers must face from ieds everyday.
Living in Quebec, I speak French so I understand what the reporter was saying. The U.S. soldier's injuries were very serious .... very grave in short. Our hopes and prayers that it is not as serious as what it looked liked on the video.