Egyptian Public Opinion -- American Conservative
Via Scoblete, I see that WINEP (Washington Institute for Near East Policy) has a poll on Egyptian public opinion. It has several interesting results. Everyone is very excited to point out the relatively low level of support for the Muslim Brotherhood (15% favorability), and I’ll talk about that in a minute, but what I found more interesting is that a combined 33% of Cairo and Alexandria respondents expressed a preference for Mubarak or Suleiman as president. Obviously, that’s not a majority, but put together that is still a large constituency apparently in favor of some form of continuity with the old regime and/or the status quo. Amr Moussa receives 26%. Perhaps this is because of name recognition and stature as head of the Arab League, but Moussa has been in Mubarak’s cabinet in the past and hardly represents a sharp break the old system. All together, that’s 59% favoring one of the old fixtures of the system, and another 33% don’t know or refuse to answer.
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My Comment: A lot of information here, but it does give an interesting snapshot on Egyptian public opinion. Read it all.