Who Is Winning Afghanistan War? US Officials Increasingly Disagree. -- Christian Science Monitor
Gen. David Petraeus is on Capitol Hill this week to give a positive message about the course of the Afghanistan war. But some key US officials disagree with his assessment.
Gen. David Petraeus travels to Capitol Hill this week, eager to convince an increasingly skeptical American public that the Afghanistan war is worth the effort – and that it is going well, too.
As he appears in Washington, nearly two-thirds of Americans no longer believe that the Afghanistan war “has been worth fighting,” according to a new Washington Post/ABC News poll. Moreover, there are distinct differences emerging between US commanders’ appraisal of US progress on the ground and that of US intelligence officials.
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More News On Afghanistan
Coalition Has Momentum in Afghanistan, Petraeus Says -- US Department of Defense
Petraeus outlines "significant" but "fragile" progress in Afghan war -- CBS News
Citing progress, Petraeus embraces US troop drawdown in Afghanistan; calls gains fragile -- Canadian Press/AP
U.S. general: Progress in jeopardy -- Detroit Free Press
Gen. Petraeus: Progress in Afghanistan 'Fragile and Reversible' -- ABC news
Gen. Petraeus: Gains 'fragile,' 'reversible' -- Politico
Petraeus Testifies On The Hill -- NPR
Fight against Taliban making progress: Petraeus -- AFP
US, NATO forces' progress in Afghanistan 'fragile and reversible': Petraeus -- Sify News
U.S. commander claims progress, admits danger in Afghanistan -- Xinhuanet
General Sees Joint Bases for Afghans After 2014 -- New York Times
US General: Security Transition in Afghanistan Will Start Soon, But Will be Gradual -- Voice of America
Petraeus Isn’t Sure How Many Troops Will Come Home In July -- The Danger Room
Petraeus: Taliban momentum halted in Afghanistan, but harder fighting ahead -- Washington Post
Petraeus: tough spring ahead, but Afghan drawdown on -- Reuters
Gen Petraeus: US to begin sending troops home from Afghanistan in July -- The Telegraph
Petraeus backs Afghanistan drawdown -- Al Jazeera
Petraeus still backing July drawdown in Afghanistan -- CNN
Gen. Petraeus Reports -- New York Times editorial
Washington Smackdown: Petraeus vs. "Substantial Drawdown" -- Robert Naiman, Huffington post
Post-2014 U.S. Presence in Afghanistan: ‘Joint Facilities’ -- Danger Room
Petraeus: Gains in Afghanistan 'Fragile and Reversible'; Afghans Will Take Over in Select Provinces -- Chris Good, The Atlantic
Petraeus Doesn’t Sweat Iran’s Rockets in Afghanistan -- The Danger Room
Troops braced for Taliban onslaught -- Press Association
Troops eye battle ahead as Afghan spring looms -- AFP
NATO probes civilian casualties after Aghan boys killed -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Children killed in air strike: Afghan official -- ABC News (Australia)
Taliban being 'decimated' in Helmand -- The Guardian
11 Taliban militants killed in Afghanistan -- Sify News
Special forces winning battle against Taliban insurgents: US, UK commanders -- Sify News
Afghan official says mid-level Taliban militants disobey leadership -- M&C
Iran denies arming Afghan militants -- UPI
Security deteriorating in Afghanistan, life "untenable"-ICRC -- Reuters
Canada prepares to pack everything for Kandahar pullout -- CTV
Inquest pays tribute to British soldier who died rescuing journalist -- The Guardian
Soldier in journalist rescue 'killed by insurgents' -- BBC
Reforesting Afghanistan top priority with 420,000 trees -- Dvids
U.S. advisers saw early signs of trouble at Afghan Bank -- Washington Post
In poll, most regret Afghan war -- Poltico
Afghanistan 'Not Worth It' To 64% In New Survey -- NPR
Poll: Support for Afghan war plummets -- Salon
Poll: Afghan war not worth fighting -- UPI
Public Opinion and Obama’s Failed Leadership on Afghanistan -- Marc Thiessen, The American
Dead Men Risen: What MoD doesn't want you to read #2 -- Toby Harnden, The Yelegraph
Is US aid to Afghanistan helping win the war? Doubts are increasing. -- Christian Science Monitor
Why we can't win in Afghanistan -- Steve Chapman, Chicago Tribune