Air Force To Retest X-51 WaveRider Hypersonic Aircraft Near Point Mugu -- L.A. Times
The unmanned X-51 WaveRider is designed to deliver warheads at very high speeds with pinpoint accuracy almost anywhere on Earth.
The U.S. Air Force plans to launch an experimental aircraft Thursday that could potentially reach speeds of 4,000 mph over the Pacific Ocean in a test flight that could give the Pentagon a new way to deliver a military strike anywhere around the globe within minutes.
Built in Southern California, the unmanned X-51 WaveRider is being developed to deliver powerful warheads at tremendously high speeds with pinpoint accuracy almost anywhere on Earth.
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More News On Today's Test Of The X-51
Air Force to Fly Hypersonic Aircraft in Global Strike Test -- Global Security Newswire
Experimental Scramjet aircraft set for test flight --
Modified X-51A Waverider ready for next hypersonic test -- Next Big Future
Experimental Scramjet Aircraft Set for Test Flight -- Universe Today
Hypersonics and the Future of Warfare (II) -- Second Line of Defense