Obama Urged To Seize Reins as Crises Pile Up -- FOX News
A conflict approaching civil war in Libya. An end-times tsunami in Japan. A Congress that can't reach a budget.
And ... gender inequality?
The topic of President Obama's weekend radio address has raised some eyebrows, as Obama has met mounting crises with the same restraint and cool that characterized his slow-and-steady campaign for president. To some critics, the tone set by the White House in light of recent upheaval may hurt the president's public image.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
America is dealing with ‘real enemies’ -- Ed Feulner, The Washington Times
Obama's foreign policy is in tatters -- J.l. Granatstein, Ottawa Citizen
Embarrassed To Be American -- Nancy Morgan, American Thinker
Obama’s Presidency Hangs by a Thread - John Podhoretz, Commentary Magazine
Obama’s Moment of Truth: The clock is ticking on action in Libya—and on the president’s foreign policy legacy. -- Larry Diamond, The New Republic
The Importance of Blockading Gaza -- Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary
Why did Israel release bloody images of the family slain in Itamar? -- Nir Hasson, Haaretz
Afghanistan’s Many Annual Turning Points -- Joshua Foust, Registan
India’s Quiet Counter-China Strategy -- Nitin Gokhale, The Diplomat
They’re Not Listening In Yemen And Bahrain -- New York Times editorial
Japan crisis rattles even pro-nuclear France -- Robert Marquand, Christian Science Monitor
Gazprom and the Rule of EU Law -- Alan Riley, Wall Street Journal
Oil producers in Libya face political conundrum -- Nathan Vanderklippe, Globe And Mail
Can Japan Rise Again? -- Patrick J. Buchanan, Human Events
`Worst Case' Nuclear Disaster in Japan Hangs on Unlikely Events -- Bloomberg
Radiation exposure: How big is the threat in Japan? -- Chris Richardson, Christian Science Monitor
Disaster in Japan: A difficult Tuesday -- The Economist
Don't bank on a Japanese debt crisis yet -- Fortune/CNN
Rebel council seeks to transform Libya -- Washington Post
Al Qaeda Targets Libya -- Sami Yousafzai, Yahoo News/Daily Beast
Turmoil in Libya: The fight continues -- The Economist
Don't exaggerate Arab support for Libya No Fly Zone -- Marc Lynch, Foreign Policy
Gaddafi has a long history as a killer — and must be stopped -- Richard Cohen, Washington Post