Libya's Rebel Leaders Struggle To Get A Grip -- L.A. Times
The Benghazi lawyers, professors and others who lead the rebellion against Moammar Kadafi acknowledge that they and their fighters are hindered by disarray.
Reporting from Benghazi, Libya — They work 18-hour days inside two dingy courthouse buildings streaked with graffiti that ridicules Libyan leader Moammar Kadafi. When they enter, they wipe their shoes on a portrait of him.
These are the lawyers, businessmen, college professors and political defectors risking their lives to lead the eastern rebellion against Kadafi. Thirty-seven days ago, they demonstrated at the courthouse for political rights, and in four days of street fighting overran Kadafi's lejan thouria, the gun-toting Revolutionary Legion that had terrorized Libya's second-largest city.
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More News On The War In Libya
Fighting's effect on Libya civilians remains murky -- Yahoo News/AP
West strikes Libya forces, NATO sees 90-day campaign -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Allies hit Kadhafi forces amid diplomatic endgames -- Yahoo News/AFP
Pentagon may add air power in Libya conflict -- Yahoo News/AP
Libyans flee fighting in Ajdabiya, end up in harshness of desert -- CNN
Even as US Libya role shrinks, Pentagon considering adding air power for urban missions -- Canadian Press
Reports Kadhafi arming volunteers: Pentagon -- AFP
US mainly using precision weapons in Libya- admiral -- Reuters
British planes bomb Gaddafi tanks for first time -- The Telegraph
RAF strikes armoured vehicles in Libya -- AFP
Tornado crew describe raid on Libya -- The Telegraph
Libya no-fly zone: British military's enforcement role 'modest' -- The Guardian
Proof we are winning: MoD release footage of airstrikes wiping out Gaddafi's guns as coalition planes 'fly free over Libya' -- The Daily Mail
NATO takes command of part of Libya operation -- AP
Operations in Libya may last weeks but not months: French FM -- Xinhuanet
France says won't take months to destroy Gaddafi army -- Reuters
NATO Set to Take Full Command of Libyan Campaign -- New York Times
NATO to take over enforcing of Libyan no-fly zone -- L.A. Times
Libya: Nato to take command of no-fly zone -- BBC
NATO deal leaves U.S. still commanding Libya strikes -- Reuters
NATO to Police Libya No-Fly, Compromises on Command -- New York Times/Reuters
Canadian general to take NATO command of Libya -- Yahoo News/AP
Qatar becomes 1st Arab country to fly over Libya -- Yahoo News/AP
Allies Are Split on Goal and Exit Strategy in Libya -- New York Times
Elements of Theater on View in Libya -- New York Times
To some in Libya, ‘Brother Leader’ Gaddafi still a hero -- Washington Post
Fear and secrecy follow people out of Gadhafi's Libya -- McClatchy News
Obama to speak with leaders of Congress on Libya -- Yahoo News/AP
Obama briefs lawmakers; Boehner says questions remain -- USA Today
Obama Discusses Libya With US Lawmakers -- Voice of America
Obama to Speak to the Nation on Libya “In the Very Near Future” -- ABC News
President Obama to give Libya address in 'very near future' -- Politico
Obama to speak on Libya soon -- CNN
Commentaries, Opinions, Editorials, And Analysis On The War In Libya
Foreign Policy: The Gadhafi I Know -- Yoweri Museveni, NPR
Libya coalition: a unity of purpose, a multitude of opinions -- Anna Mulrine, Christian Science Monitor
Who are the Libyan Freedom Fighters and Their Patrons? -- Peter Dale Scott's, Japan Focus
There's nothing moral about Nato's intervention in Libya -- Seumas Milne, The Guardian
Libya test for NATO starts at Ajdabiya -- Dan Murphy, Christian Science Monitor
Now we must arm the insurgents so that Gaddafi can be toppled -- Malcolm Rifkind, The Telegraph
Libya’s Oh-So-Familiar Exit Strategy: ‘As They Stand Up, We Stand Down’ -- Spencer Ackerman, Danger Room
Libya: A war by any other name… -- Leo Shane III, Stars And Stripes
Libya: NATO Takes Charge, but Will Europe Take the Lead? -- Leo Cendrowicz, Time
Libya: a make-or-break moment for Nato -- Nora Bensahel, The Guardian
Europe's intervention in Libya: Who is in charge here? -- The Economist
Q&A: Next Steps For NATO In Libya -- NPR
Here we go again: Intervention in Middle East civil wars is a fool’s game -- Gov. Gary Johnson, The Washington Times