White House: Libya Fight Is Not War, It's 'Kinetic Military Action' -- FOX News
In the last few days, Obama administration officials have frequently faced the question: Is the fighting in Libya a war? From military officers to White House spokesmen up to the president himself, the answer is no. But that leaves the question: What is it?
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My Comment: "Kinetic military action"?
France says military campaign against Libya will be over in weeks -- Deutsche Welle
B-2 Bombers Flew Without Their Raptor Escorts Over Libya -- FOX News
Why no F-22s in Libya? -- Spy Talk
Military Admits Challenge Of Distinguishing "Civilians" and "Rebels" In Libya -- Time Magazine
NATO blocks 'front door' for arms smugglers into Libya -- Defense News
Who Sold Libya Its Supermissiles? -- The Danger Room
Growlers Over Libya — An Update -- Defense Tech
WikiLeaks: Colombia began using U.S. drones for counterterrorism in 2006 -- Washington Post
Naval strike aircraft to be part of Russian Air Force -- RIA Novosti
Russian Military To Buy 36 ICBMs, 2 Missile Subs In 2011 -- Space Daily
No Eurofighter sale talks with Indonesia: Britain -- AFP
Blow-Outs Don't Change Australian F-35 Plans -- Defpro
JSF Cost Predictions Rattle Foreign Customers -- Aviation Week
Cheonan sinking: Paper criticises S Korea military -- BBC
The Next Vietnam War -- Strategy Page
US defence chief, in Cairo, praises Egypt military -- Reuters
U.S. military leaders in Japan say water on bases safe to drink -- Stars And Stripes
So much for hearts and minds: Could the murder and mutilation of Afghan villagers by U.S. soldiers undo all the good the West is doing in Libya? -- The Daily Mail
US soldier faces up to 24 years in jail over 'Afghan Abu Ghraib' -- The Independent
More military abuse, but this time no cover-up -- Peter Worthington, National Post (Commentary)
Pentagon Studying Additional Nuke Reductions -- Global Security Newsire
Air Force to retest X-51 WaveRider hypersonic aircraft near Point Mugu -- L.A. Times
U.S. Defense cuts are a tough sell in Congress -- Washington Times
Small Wars, ‘Disorder’ Likely DoD Bills -- DoD Buzz
White House eyes more cuts to U.S. nuclear arsenal -- Washington Times
F-22 Raptor flown on synthetic biofuel -- Edwards Air Force Base
Report faults Army in 2001 anthrax mailings -- L.A. Times
Would ending 14th amendment hurt military? -- UPI
Military indoctrinated on gays kissing, behavior -- Washington Times