There Are British Special Forces On The Ground In Libya.

Take cover: Rebels fighters protect themselves from a bombing raid. There are already hundreds of British troops helping these forces target Colonel Gaddafi loyalists

350 British Special Forces Already Deep Inside Libya... And More Are Ready To Be Deployed -- Daily Mail

* Squadron of SAS and SBS troops have been in country for a month
* British Tornado aircraft launch fresh wave of attacks on Gaddafi's forces
* Bombing raids target military bases on outskirts of Tripoli
* MOD has already spent nearly £30m on air operations and missile strikes

Hundreds of British troops have been deployed deep inside Libya targeting Colonel Gaddafi’s forces – and more are on standby.

While Chancellor George Osborne repeated that UK ground troops would not be involved, the Daily Mail can reveal there are an estimated 350 already mounting covert operations.

In total it is understood that just under 250 UK special forces soldiers and their support have been in Libya since before the launch of air strikes to enforce the no-fly zone against Gaddafi’s forces.

The revelation came as the Ministry of Defence confirmed this morning that British Tornado aircraft undertook missile strikes last night against Gadaffi's forces.

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My Comment: At least the British are honest in their reporting (and stating the obvious), but I cannot say the same thing about their American counterparts.

Update: There is an interesting sentence in the Navy Times account on how the weapons officer aboard a downed U.S> F-15 fighter was rescued ....

.... The weapons officer has been recovered by U.S. forces, although defense officials in Washington said they were not yet clear on how he was recovered.

Hmmmm .... they sound very clear to me.

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