'Gadhafi Is Facing A Coalition Of The Unwilling' -- Spiegel Online
NATO is split over whether it should take over command of the coalition military operation against Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi. German commentators warn that the alliance could be playing into the despot's hands with its dithering.
The coalition military operation against Moammar Gadhafi has made good progress toward its goals of destroying the Libyan dictator's air defenses and establishing a no-fly zone over the country. But that, it seems, was the easy part. Far more difficult are the questions of who should now lead the mission and what the operation's ultimate objectives should be.
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My Comment: Gaddafi has the will to fight and to win .... I cannot say the same thing about President Obama or any other leader in the West .... especially since some of them are denying that they are even in a war.