Saudi Arabia’s Action In Bahrain Worries U.S. -- The Bulletin/New York Times
WASHINGTON — Even before Saudi Arabia sent troops into Bahrain on Monday to quell an uprising it fears might spill across its own borders, U.S. officials were increasingly concerned that the kingdom’s stability could ultimately be threatened by regional unrest, succession politics and its resistance to reform.
So far, oil-rich Saudi Arabia has successfully stifled public protests with a combination of billions of dollars in new jobs programs and an overwhelming police presence, backed by warnings last week from the foreign minister to “cut any finger that crosses into the kingdom.”
Monday’s action, in which more than 2,000 Saudi-led troops from gulf states crossed the narrow causeway into Bahrain, demonstrated that the Saudis were willing to back their threats with firepower.
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Previous Post: State Of Emergency Declared In Bahrain
My Comment: There is not much that the U.S. can do to influence this situation. U.S. - Saudi relations have been in a tailspin when Saudi leaders reacted harshly to U.S. (lack of support) for ousted Egyptian leader Mubarak. Since then, relations have cooled considerably, and I expect them to 'cool' further as the Arab revolt continues to spread in other countries that border Saudi Arabia.