Bob Gates Misfires -- New York Post Editorial
Defense Secretary Robert Gates prom ised Congress on Thursday that there will be no US ground troops in Libya -- "as long as I'm on the job."
Wait a minute.
Who made him president?
Or, taken another way, isn't that the sort of advice a Cabinet officer gives a president -- behind closed doors?
Isn't the world confused enough about Obama administration Mideast policy -- or lack thereof -- without Gates going off the rails in public?
Gates -- known as a prudent team player -- has made too many comments of this nature in recent days.
Read more ....
More News On U.S. Secretary Of Defense Gates
Mr. Gates Oversteps -- Elliot Abrams, Council On Foreign Relations
More Fire For Gates -- Mark Thompson, Time
The paradox of Bob Gates -- Michael Gerson, Washington Post
Will Bob Gates Resign? -- Notes From A Medinah
My Comment: His active involvement in cutting the defense budget is not making him any friends on Capital Hill. Couple this with the publication of the Afghan "Kill photos" and a stalemate in the Libyan war .... expect even more criticsm on Robert Gates from the media and political circles in the next few months.