PJM Exclusive: Stuxnet Has Completely Paralyzed Iran’s Bushehr Plant -- Pajamas Media
Iran may even have to junk it and start from scratch.
Contrary to the claim made by the Iranian Center for Non-Military Preemptive Defense, the Stuxnet virus has disabled Iran’s nuclear centers.
Contrary to the claims made by Gholam-Reza Jalali — director of the Iranian Center for Non-Military Preemptive Defense — regarding the nature of the virus and Iran’s capabilities in dealing with the fallout, Stuxnet has wreaked serious and perhaps fatal havoc on the foundations of energy structure and the operating systems of the Bushehr nuclear installation. According to the Green Liaison news group, over the past year and a half the Bushehr plant has incurred serious damage and has lost major capabilities.
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More News On Iran Being Targeted With New Cyber Attacks
Iran Says It Was Targeted With Second Worm, Stars -- PC World
Update: Iran says it was targeted with second worm, 'Stars' -- Computer World
Stuxnet 2? Iran Under Attack From New Computer Virus -- PC Mag
Iran says it was attacked by second computer worm -- The Register
Iran claims to have a new Stuxnet called Stars -- TechEye
Iran discovers second espionage virus -- CBR
Iran Under Fresh Malware Attack -- Techland/Time
Iran Claims New Cyber Attack -- Swampland/Time
Iran Discovers New Cyberattack -- New York Times
Security experts can't verify Iran's claims of new worm -- COmputer World