Is Proxy War About To Erupt In Bahrain? -- Pajamas Media
The language and actions of the Iranian government strongly indicate it is preparing for war in Bahrain.
Anyone who has seen the Iranian regime’s film The Coming is Near knows the Middle East is on the verge of exploding. The question is what spark will light it. The region seems to shift daily, but right now, it looks like Iran has chosen Bahrain as the place to pounce.
Iran views Bahrain as ripe for the picking. The pro-American royal family is Sunni, but about 70 percent of the population is Shiite. It faced a popular uprising that had a strong possibility of removing it from power. That uprising was only put down with brute force and intervention from Saudi and Emirati soldiers on March 14. The saving of the Bahraini government does not sit well with Iran and it is poised to wage proxy warfare in response. This would not be unprecedented, as Iran did the same thing in 2009 by supporting the Houthi rebels in their war against the Yemeni government backed by the Saudi military.
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My Comment: The U.S. clearly believes that Iran is interfering in the internal affairs of countries like Bahrain, and Iranian lawmakers want to get involved militarily ....but I do not think we are there yet,a dn I do not think it will happen.